The protagonist of the story is reborn as Ivy, the antagonistic daughter in a beloved manga series from their past life. However, this time around, they aim to alter Ivy’s tragic fate. In the original storyline, Ivy was killed by Oshi, but the protagonist is determined to change that outcome.
As Ivy navigates her new life in a different world, she finds herself drawn to Oshi once again. But this time, she has a chance to befriend him and understand him better. As she gets to know him, she discovers that he’s not the heartless villain she once believed him to be.
With a new perspective on Oshi and her own life, Ivy strives to become a better person and gain his respect. She faces challenges along the way, but her determination never wavers. Will Ivy be able to resist the temptation of her favorite character and create a new, happier future for herself?
- Action
- Adult
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Complete
- Cooking
- Crime
- Doujinshi
- Drama
- Ecchi
- Fantasy
- Gossip
- Harem
- Hentai
- Historical
- Horror
- Isekai
- Josei
- manga
- Manhua
- Manhwa
- Martial Arts
- Mature
- Mecha
- Medical
- Military
- Mystery
- One shot
- Reincarnation
- Romance
- School life
- Sci-fi
- Seinen
- Shoujo
- Shoujo Ai
- Shounen
- Shounen Ai
- Slice of Life
- Smut
- Sports
- Supernatural
- Thriller
- TL
- Tragedy
- Webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri