In the world of romance and drama, Jo Eunae’s life is anything but a fairy tale, despite being dubbed the “Cinderella of the 21st Century” after marrying the wealthy and handsome Seo Moon-hyuk. While others envy her luxurious lifestyle, Eunae finds herself trapped in a marriage that feels more like a facade. After three years of marriage, she remains a virgin, prompting her to question the authenticity of her relationship. Frustrated and yearning for true happiness, Eunae decides to ask for a divorce on the anniversary of their 1000th day together, hoping to finally reclaim her independence. To her surprise, her seemingly aloof husband suddenly shows an interest in her for the first time, putting in more effort than ever to connect with her. This unexpected shift leaves Eunae confused and curious about his motives. Their evolving dynamic explores themes of love and personal growth, reminiscent of captivating manhwa narratives where characters confront their realities and seek genuine connections. As Eunae navigates this tumultuous period, she must decide if this newfound attention is genuine or simply a reaction to her desire for freedom, ultimately questioning what she truly wants from life and love.
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