In the intriguing story of JA-KANG, the protagonist inherits his grandfather’s store, a seemingly ordinary establishment with an extraordinary secret. Within the confines of this store lies a hidden room, which harbors a mysterious ‘hole’ that promises to unravel a series of unexpected events. As JA-KANG delves deeper into the secrets of the store, he discovers that this hidden space holds more than just physical treasures; it is a gateway to a world filled with adventure and intrigue. The narrative unfolds with JA-KANG navigating through the complexities of his inheritance while grappling with the implications of the secrets that the hole conceals. Themes of family legacy and self-discovery resonate throughout the story, reminiscent of many captivating tales found in manhwa, where protagonists often embark on journeys that challenge their understanding of themselves and their surroundings. As JA-KANG explores the depths of the hidden room, he learns valuable lessons about courage, responsibility, and the bonds that tie him to his past. This journey not only transforms his perspective on his grandfather’s legacy but also ignites a sense of wonder that propels him into the unknown. The combination of mystery and personal growth makes JA-KANG a compelling tale, inviting readers to ponder the true meaning of inheritance and the secrets that lie within the walls of our own histories
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- Action
- Adult
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Complete
- Cooking
- Crime
- Doujinshi
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- Ecchi
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- manga
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- Manhwa
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- Mystery
- One shot
- Reincarnation
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- School life
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- Shoujo Ai
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- Shounen Ai
- Slice of Life
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- Thriller
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- Webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri