Tenshin Ranman is a manga adapted from the Yuzu-Soft visual novel of the same name. The story revolves around Chitose Haruki, a high-school student who has had immense misfortune ever since his childhood. He lives with his grandfather and his little sister, Sana, who constantly worries about his well-being more than he himself does. Due to Haruki’s bad luck, Yamabuki Aoi, his childhood friend, often gives him charms of various kinds. Haruki lives a normal (and unfortunate) life, until one day Sana finds a mysterious package delivered to their house. The package contains a deity named Unohana no Sakuya Hime, who claims that Haruki’s bad luck is a form of divine punishment his bloodline inherited. She promises to shield Haruki from it, and starts living with him.
- Action
- Adult
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Complete
- Cooking
- Crime
- Doujinshi
- Drama
- Ecchi
- Fantasy
- Gossip
- Harem
- Hentai
- Historical
- Horror
- Isekai
- Josei
- manga
- Manhua
- Manhwa
- Martial Arts
- Mature
- Mecha
- Medical
- Military
- Mystery
- One shot
- Reincarnation
- Romance
- School life
- Sci-fi
- Seinen
- Shoujo
- Shoujo Ai
- Shounen
- Shounen Ai
- Slice of Life
- Smut
- Sports
- Supernatural
- Thriller
- TL
- Tragedy
- Webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri