In this intriguing manhwa storyline, Daeho, a young man struggling with sex addiction, seeks help from Minhee, a counselor assigned to his treatment. Despite the seriousness of his condition, Daeho speaks openly and casually about his explicit and shameful experiences, showing little hesitation or embarrassment. His nonchalant attitude stands in stark contrast to Minhee, who appears inexperienced and unfamiliar with such topics, making her uncomfortable. As the sessions progress, the dynamic between them becomes more complex, as Minhee must find a way to maintain professionalism while helping Daeho confront his addiction. The tension between their contrasting perspectives—Daeho’s frankness and Minhee’s discomfort—reflects the challenges of addressing sensitive personal issues in therapeutic settings, a theme often explored in manhwa. This story delves into the psychological and emotional struggles of the characters, offering a compelling narrative about human vulnerability and the difficulties of overcoming addiction.